Monday, April 9, 2012


I know it's been a long time since i have posted anything but life has been so busy thank goodness it has slowed down a bit.  School is done, not just the semester but really done I will receive my B.A. diploma May 5th.  It has been a long couple of years on all three of us but time has flown by.  I do have the opportunity to work on my masters but not too sure I will because of the time it will take away from home and church and missions.  I have been a little discouraged with the lack of action and the fact that nothing seems to be happening.  The people who seemed so excited months ago don't appear to have the same desire we do. We still have an overwhelming desire to go and serve the Mongolian people.  We have found out the largest population of Mongolian people in the US are in Denver, Colorado.  There are around 3600 Mongols there.  We have also been introduced to a missionary family that lives in England reaching the Mongol people there.  It is hard to wait but we know that if we get ahead of God things will not work like they are suppose to.  SO WE WAIT.
We really hate that no one joined us for secret church Friday evening  it was so good as usual, it's hard to believe that 7 hours passes so quickly when David Platt is teaching.  I hope the next one will be at our church and a large group will join in and enjoy it as much as we do. 
Please continue to pray for us as we wait on the Lord to open doors and lead us where we need to go and when.  We are praying for God's direction for us, we are not sure what's going to happen in the future but we do know we will do whatever He tells us to do.

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